Tag Archives | Pests

Pests that Damage Stored Food | Zoology

Almost all stored food stuffs are liable to insect injury. It is usual to refer to almost all insects which infect products as “weevils” even though many not only are not weevils, but are not beetles at all. Storage pests are those associated with stored grains and milled cereals. There are several hundred insect species of storage pests but some [...]

By |2017-12-12T07:33:20+00:00December 12, 2017|Pests|Comments Off on Pests that Damage Stored Food | Zoology

List of Pests that Damage Vegetables | Zoology

Here is a list of ten pests that damage vegetables. 1. Red Pumpkin Beetle (Aulacophora Foveicollis): Exclusively infest cucurbetaceous plants. Both the adult and the grub damage the crop but main damage is done by the adult. The adult have piercing and sucking type of mouth parts and make hole in the tender part of the plants including buds, flowers [...]

By |2017-12-12T07:33:20+00:00December 12, 2017|Pests|Comments Off on List of Pests that Damage Vegetables | Zoology

Pests that Damage Vegetables | Zoology

Here is a list of pests that damage vegetables: 1. Tipulae or Crane-Flies 2. Wireworms 3. Centipedes or Sclopendre 4. Tyroglyphus Farinae 5. Lithobius Forficatus, the Thirty-Foot 6. Geophilus Lingicomis 7. Oxytelus Nitidulus 8. Potato Files 9. False Scorpions 10. Worms. 1. Tipulae or Crane-Flies: Any one may readily imagine what an amount of vegetation must be consumed by the [...]

By |2017-12-12T07:33:20+00:00December 12, 2017|Pests|Comments Off on Pests that Damage Vegetables | Zoology