Tag Archives | Apiculture

Essay on Apiculture: Top 7 Essays | Zoology

Here is an essay on ‘Apiculture’ for class 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Apiculture’ especially written for school and college students. Essay on Apiculture Essay Contents: Essay on the Introduction to Apiculture Essay on the Colonial Organisation and Division of Labour among Bees Essay on the Enemies of Bees Essay on Bee Hive and Its [...]

By |2017-12-12T07:33:20+00:00December 12, 2017|Apiculture|Comments Off on Essay on Apiculture: Top 7 Essays | Zoology

Top 7 Products Obtained from a Beehive | Apiculture

The following points highlight the top seven products obtained from a beehive. Th4e products are: 1. Honey 2. Beeswax 3. Honey Dew 4. Bee Bread 5. Propolis 6. Royal Jelly 7. Bee Venom or Apitoxin. Beehive: Product # 1. Honey: Honey is a food material for the bees and their larvae. Large quantities of honey are stored in the hive [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:18:01+00:00July 21, 2016|Apiculture|Comments Off on Top 7 Products Obtained from a Beehive | Apiculture

Diseases of Honey bee | Apiculture

In this article we will discuss about the diseases found in bees:- 1. Bacterial Diseases 2. Fungal Diseases 3. Viral Diseases 4. Protozoan Diseases. Bacterial Diseases: 1. American foulbrood disease (AFB): Bee- keepers generally regard American foul brood (AFB) as possibly the most destructive microbial disease (Fig. 2.14) affecting bee brood. The disease did not originate in, nor is it [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:18:01+00:00July 21, 2016|Apiculture|Comments Off on Diseases of Honey bee | Apiculture
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