Tag Archives | Diversity

Elphidium: Structure and Life History (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about the structure and life history of elphidium, explained with the help of suitable diagrams. Structure of Elphidium: 1. The shape of the animal is more or less round. 2. It is surrounded with a many-cham­bered, mullilocular and perforate calcareous shell consisting of 45 to 50 chambers. 3. The, chambers are boat-shaped and spirally [...]

By |2017-01-11T14:47:38+00:00January 11, 2017|Protozoa|Comments Off on Elphidium: Structure and Life History (With Diagram)

Euglena: Nutrition and Reproduction | Subkingdom Protozoa

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Genus of Euglena 2. Structure of Euglena 3. Locomotion 4. Nutrition 5. Reproduction. Genus of Euglena: The Euglena is an acellular, fresh water organism placed in the order Euglenida, class Phytomastigophora, subphylum Mastigophora, phylum Sarcomastigophora, subkingdom Protozoa. The genus Euglena comprises probably about fifty species and they vary consider­ably in shape, size [...]

By |2017-01-11T14:47:38+00:00January 11, 2017|Protozoa|Comments Off on Euglena: Nutrition and Reproduction | Subkingdom Protozoa

Examples of Protozoa | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the various examples (classes and subclasses) of protozoa. Phylum I. Sarcomastigophora: Locomotory organelles flagella or pseudopodia or both. Nucleus single type except in developmental stages of certain foraminifera. Spore formation absent. Sexual­ity often present, essentially syngamy. Subphylum I. Mastigophora: Solitary or colonial; flagella one or more in trophozoites; asexual reproduction by symmetrogenic binary [...]

By |2017-01-11T14:47:37+00:00January 11, 2017|Protozoa|Comments Off on Examples of Protozoa | Zoology