Archive | Fishery

Fishes of India: 17 Main Fresh Water Fishes of India

The following points highlight the seventeen main types of fresh water edible fishes found in India. The types are: 1. Labeo Rohita 2. Labeo gonius 3. Catla Catla 4. Cirrhinus mrigala 5. Wallago attu 6. Mystus seenghala 7. Heteropneustes fossilis 8. Clarias Batrachus 9. Channa punctatus 10. Channa Striatus 11. Channa marulius 12. Channa gachua 13. Anabas testudineus 14. Notopterus chitala [...]

By |2016-07-30T19:04:57+00:00July 30, 2016|Fishery|Comments Off on Fishes of India: 17 Main Fresh Water Fishes of India

Fishery: Meaning, Types and Economic Zones

In this article we will discuss about Fishery:- 1. Meaning of Fishery 2. Research Institutes of Fishery 3. Why Culture Fishes 4. Types 5. Exclusive Economic Zone. Meaning of Fishery: The term 'fishery' ordinarily means culture and propagation of edible and marketable fishes. This definition, however, should be restricted to piscicul­ture. Fishery is a vast domain. In a broader sense [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:17:45+00:00July 21, 2016|Fishery|Comments Off on Fishery: Meaning, Types and Economic Zones

Top 5 Techniques Adopted for Induced Breeding

The following points highlight the top five techniques adopted for induced breeding. The techniques are: 1. Fish Pituitary Gland—Collection and Preser­vation 2. Preparation and Preservation of Pituitary Extract 3. Collection, Care, Identification and Sele­ction of Breeders 4. Assessment of Pituitary Extracts 5. Collection of Eggs and Transfer to Hatcheries. Induced Breeding: Technique # 1. Fish Pituitary Gland—Collection and Preser­vation: (a) [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:17:44+00:00July 21, 2016|Fishery|Comments Off on Top 5 Techniques Adopted for Induced Breeding