The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between taenia solium and fasiola hepatica.

Difference # Taenia Solium:

1. The body is elongated, divided into a head, a neck and proglottids.

2. The head is equipped with hooks around the rostellum, and suckers, etc., to as-sure better attachment.

3. Alimentary canal absent; already digested food of the host is absorbed through the body surface.


4. Nervous system is composed of two undifferentiated ganglia and nerve cords.

5. Excretory organs are well-developed.

6. Each segment (proglottid) is a self-sufficient reproductive unit with male and female organs.

7. Self-fertilization either in the same segment or between different segments of the same individual takes place.


8. Only feeble movement of contraction and expansion is present in the larval form.

9. No sense organ in the larval form.

10. No asexual method of larval reproduction.

11. Larval life less complicated.


12. Strobilation has less risk of loss or death as it takes place within the body of the host.

13. The life cycle is completed in two hosts and both the hosts belong to the class Mammalia.

Difference # Fasciola Hepatica:

1. Body is flat, un-segmented and leaf-like.

2. Head lobe with mouth and sucker (anterior sucker) and without hooks. A posterior sucker is also present.

3. A bifid alimentary canal. Each caecum bears a number of blind branches.

4. Nervous system is composed of two differentiated ganglia and nerve cords.

5. Excretory organs are more developed.

6. The animal, as a whole, is a single reproductive unit.

7. Usually cross-fertilization between different individuals take place.


8. Larval forms bear well-developed cilia as locomotory organelles (miracidium).

9. Presence of eye spots.

10. Asexual method of larval reproduction present (rediae).

11. Larval life more complicated.

12. Asexual reproduction and larval life are more risky, specially as the presence of water is essential.

13. Two hosts are involved in the life cycle, of which one is a vertebrate and the other an invertebrate.